“We are restless, actively engaged in personal growth, and excited about strengthening brands globally, thereby contributing to our society and ourselves.

We love building and evolving our clients’ brands, adapting and reinventing methods instead of repeating formulas.

We overcome obstacles with energy and creativity, viewing each problem as an opportunity for improvement and a daily commitment to overcoming.

We are passionate about our work, responsible and ethical, valuing the trust of our clients and colleagues as our greatest reward.”

With over 30 years of experience as a consultant in strategy, design, and branding for mass consumer brands. Leads creative teams and the management of various business units at Megabrand Group. Directs the internationalization process of Animatic Brand and its expansion into different markets.

Rubén Canchari
Managing Director

Rubén Canchari

Managing Director

With over 20 years of experience developing leading brands in various sectors and countries. Endowed with a high ability to detect opportunities that inspire the growth of our clients. Her presence is vital for the prospecting and conversion of potential clients in the business units she leads.

Tatiana Salazar
Commercial Director

Tatiana Salazar

Commercial Director

“Somos inconformes, activos en la superacion personal y emocionados por fortalecer marcas globalmente, contribuyente asi a nuestra sociedad ya nosotros mismos.”

Rubén Canchari

Director Gerente

Tatiana Salazar

Directora Ejecutiva

Socios estratégicos de DigitalTech PTY consultora líder en Panamá. que brinda soluciones integrales de valor agregado dentro del sector servicios.

Con sede principal en Barcelona y 60 ciudades del mundo. ICB consulting, es nuestro aliado comercial en Europa, siendo especialistas en gestión de Negocios, Proyectos y Finanzas.

Socios comerciales de Checkmark; consultora con más de una década de experiencia exitosa, ayudando a compañías Bolivianas al desarrollo de sus estrategias de negocio.

Socios estratégicos de Megabrand Group. Consultora multidisciplinaria con amplia experiencia en desarrollar estrategias de Negocio, Marketing y Branding. Con un amplio portafolio de clientes locales y compañías globales.